
How to install Cydia on iOS 6 beta

2012年6月18日 — Step 1: Jailbreak, and boot tethered your iOS 6 device. See this iOS 6 jailbreak tutorial for more info. Step 2: SSH into your device (you must ...

How to tethered jailbreak iOS 6 and install Cydia

2018年4月18日 — Perform a tethered boot · Place your device into DFU mode. · From the main menu of redsn0w select Extras again and then click Just boot option.

iOS 6 untethered jailbreak released, Cydia app store flooded

2013年2月5日 — ... Cydia app store flooded. The latest jailbreak works for the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini models on iOS 6.0 through 6.1.

[QUESTION] Any IOS 6 Cydia Sources that still work?

2020年7月12日 — I found an old iPod Touch 4th Gen (ios 6.1.6) and I was able to jailbreak with P0sixpwn with no problems. Cydia installed but had to delete ...

[question] What are some good tweaksapps from Cydia on ...

2023年5月1日 — I'm new to all this Jailbreaking stuff. I have an iPhone 4 with iOS 6. What are some of the best apps and tweaks from Cydia?

[越獄教學]iOS 6.X 完美JB教學與技巧evasi0n (iOS 6.1.3與 ...



2012年6月18日—Step1:Jailbreak,andboottetheredyouriOS6device.SeethisiOS6jailbreaktutorialformoreinfo.Step2:SSHintoyourdevice(youmust ...,,2018年4月18日—Performatetheredboot·PlaceyourdeviceintoDFUmode.·Fromthemainmenuofredsn0wselectExtrasagainandthenclickJustbootoption.,2013年2月5日—...Cydiaappstoreflooded.ThelatestjailbreakworksfortheiPhone,iPodtouch,iPadandiPadminimodelsoniOS6.0through6.1.,202...